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Work Title: User Experience Consultant

Team Project: Team of 3

Project: Applied User Experience Work

Work Period: September 2021 - January 2022

Game Engine: Unity Engine

Release Date: April 2021

Subfrost Interactive's Cobots is a puzzle game where you control several robots to solve challenging levels to reach your goals. My work with Subfrost Interactive was focused on market research and playtesting.


For the market research, I was in charge of keeping track of  the price-points of puzzle games for a specific platform. Using Google Sheets, I kept track of what puzzle games were available in which price range, across several European countries.


As for the second task, I conducted playtest sessions for Cobots with my teammates. Two types of playtest sessions were done:

  • Observational Testing

    • Participants had 1 hour to play the game at the university's game user experience laboratory​

    • Team observed participants' gameplay and reactions

  • Remote Testing

    • The game was shared with the participants via Steam​

    • Participants had 2 weeks to play the game

    • Participants filled out a questionnaire after their playtest session


We compiled the findings we found about the market and the data we collected throughout the playtest sessions. Lastly, we shared all of our documentation with the developers.

Cobots - Gameplay Trailer

Screenshots from the game


Market Analyst & Researcher:

  • Analysed a specific platform's market to generalise price-points for puzzle games

    • Using Google Sheets categorised the data in:

      • Amount of puzzle games in a country​

      • Price-points for each country

      • Currencies

  • Researched methods to advertise independent games for a certain platform

    • Compiled the findings in Google Docs documents​



UX Designer:​

  • Created digital prototypes to improve the UI of the game

    • ​Allowed playtest participants to move and scale the UI elements

  • Conducted playtest sessions at the University of Skövde Games User Experience Laboratory​

    • Playtest Structure:

      1. Short explanation of how participants will play the game​

      2. Observing the participants' gameplay and their reactions while they play the game for 1 hour​​

      3. Short interview with the participant to get feedback

      4. Allowed participants to modify the digital prototype

      5. Short questionnaire to record specific data

    • Playtest Data:​

      • Structured the Google Sheets document to take notes of:

        • The name of the level​

        • Attempts made for completing each level​​

        • Amount of items collected per level

        • Observation notes per level

        • Participants' feedback notes

      • Compiled the Google Form results of the participants into a Google Sheets file​

      • Formulated the difficulty for each level to calculate the difficulty curve of the game

  • Conducted remote playtest sessions​

    • Found participants with convenience sampling​

    • Shared the game with the participants

    • After 2 weeks of playing Cobots in a normal pace, participants were asked to fill out an online questionnaire



Project Management:

  • Contacted the developers at Subfrost Interactive and set up a communication pipeline

  • Arranged meetings to share our findings​​

    • Created summary feedback documents to go over in meetings​

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